Why Sell Your Mineral Rights
Transferring mineral interest to your children or other heirs can be difficult and time consuming. The legal expenses can sometimes cost more than the actual value of the minerals. Distributing cash is often an easier and more cost-effective way to divide property from an estate.
As a mineral owner you have no control over the commodities markets, or the decisions made by the production company. Many mineral owners have a significant portion of their holdings in a single drilling unit and are dependent on a single operator. Well failure, engineering issues, and transportation problems can severely damage the value of the mineral rights. Eliminate the uncertainty and consider diversifying by selling all or a portion of your mineral rights.
Many mineral owners are facing short term financial needs and can benefit from having cash now. If you recently lost your job, need to make a down payment on a home, or help your children or grandchildren through college you should consider selling some or all your mineral rights.
Fossil fuel production is under attack and every effort is being made to transition the world to other forms of energy. The risk associated with ownership of mineral rights has never been greater. The current administration can severely damage the economics of the industry by changing the tax code, denying federal permits, shutting down pipelines, or even banning fracking all together. These risks should be considered carefully especially if minerals make up a substantial portion of your net worth.

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